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The proposed textbook highlights the key issues of the current state of Ukraine’s foreign policy. The logic of presenting the material corresponds to the basic theoretical and legal principles of Ukraine’s foreign policy in the context of the annexation of Crimea and the hybrid war in Donbass. The structure of the manual is based on the main stages of formation, development and implementation of Ukraine’s foreign policy priorities in the global aspects of today. Particular attention is paid to the state of implementation of Ukraine’s strategic priorities on the path to European and Euro-Atlantic integration. The place and role of Ukraine in the modern geopolitical space is determined. For students, graduate students and teachers of higher education institutions, all who are interested in foreign policy of Ukraine. |
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The textbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Actual problems of foreign policy of Ukraine.” Documents or extracts from them on the issues of normative-legal provision and conceptual bases of Ukraine’s foreign policy, regulation of the processes of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the state are commented. For “International Relations” students. |
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The terminological dictionary is an integral part of the educational and methodical complex on the discipline «Actual problems of foreign policy of Ukraine». The publication, adapted to the requirements of the discipline, collects and organizes about 400 terms related to its issues. It will be useful for students, graduate students, teachers, as well as anyone interested in current issues of foreign policy of Ukraine at the present stage of development of the state. |
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Recommendations for educational and methodological support of the discipline. The work program and guidelines a part of the educational and methodological complex in the discipline “Current problems of Ukraine’s foreign policy”. The publication contains an indicative program of the discipline, test tasks, questions for modular control, an indicative list of questions to prepare for the exam, a list of recommended reading. The second part of the publication is devoted to topical issues of methodological approaches to the study and mastery of the discipline.
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EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE. History and present. Training manual Ihor Todorov, a well-known Euro-Atlantic expert, and professor at the Uzhhorod National University is the author of the Training manual. The textbook was prepared with the aim of increasing the general level of knowledge about the implementation of the constitutional provision regarding the integration of Ukraine into NATO, and the problems of international and European security. The training manual is intended primarily for lecturers of higher education institutions, who provide a course on the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine for higher education «Master» students (field of knowledge 29 ‘International relations’, specialty 291 ‘International relations, public communications and regional studies’). However, the edition will be useful for everyone who is interested in the process of Ukraine’s accession to NATO, which is objective and carried out in the interests of the entire nation. |
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RELOADING THE FOREIGN POLICY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF RUSSIAN AGGRESSION. Training manual Educational manual-textbook contains the most relevant documents and extracts on issues of regulatory and legal support of foreign policy activities and national security of the state in the conditions of the annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbas, and Russia’s aggression of a full-scale against Ukraine. Educational manual-textbook for students of specialties in the field of knowledge ‘International relations’. |
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IMMIGRATION AND TRANSNATIONALISM. Training manual The training manual has been prepared with the aim of deepening students’ knowledge in studying the problems of migration, refugees, transnationalism and their influence on the processes of European integration. Intended for lecturers of institutions of higher education, teaching the course ‘Immigration and Transnationalism’, for master students specialty (field of knowledge 29 ‘International relations, public communications and regional studies’). The training manual will be useful for everyone interested in the global problems of immigration and transnationalism, the practical experience of the EU in this area, and the study of the fate of millions of refugees-our citizens. |
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STATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE INNOVATIONS: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Didactic materials The educational publication, prepared based on the results of a cycle of training sessions as part of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project at the UzhNU, contains educational and methodological and informational, and presentational materials that reveal modern priorities and directions for the Europeanization of public administration in Ukraine. Intended for specialists of state administration bodies and local self-government bodies dealing with issues of European integration, as well as applicants of all levels of higher education in relevant specialties in the context of training modern professional human resources. |
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THE EUROPEAN UNION MODERN DEVELOPMENT POLICY. Training manual The training manual is intended for in-depth study of the modern political development of the European Union. Current topics such as EU policy in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres are revealed. Factors influencing the formation and implementation of modern foreign and domestic policy of the EU and the priority areas of activity of the main institutions of European states are studied. Intended for students, postgraduate students, lecturers of institutions of higher education and everyone interested in the modern policy of the European Union. |