Project Team |
Volodymyr Smolanka |
Scientific Support Expert of the project. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Uzhhorod National University. |
Academic coordinator, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Studies and Public Communication, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of European Integration Studies (Uzhhorod National University). Experience in teaching the subjects of Euro-integration and Euro-Atlantic trends, regional cross-border processes, foreign policy of Ukraine, management of the implementation of scientific projects, incl. international ones. |
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science (NAS) of Ukraine, Head of the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of Uzhhorod National University. Experience in research management: Head of the Scientific School of “Ukrainian Historical European Studies”, NAS of Ukraine. |
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Uzhhorod National University; Experience in teaching disciplines on political history of the world, public and cultural diplomacy, national and regional security problems; experience in international project management. |
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, acting head of the Department International Studies and Public Communications. Teaching courses on international relations and organizing student scientific work. Experience in teaching disciplines such as Country Studies, Topical issues of foreign policy of the European countries, Military-political problems in international relations. Experience in administrative and scientific-pedagogical spheres, as well as in managing international projects. |
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Uzhhorod National University; provided teaching courses at Donetsk National University (1981-2014) and other universities in Ukraine; Visiting Professor at Warsaw University, Visiting Researcher at the Vienna Institute of Humanities. Experience in teaching disciplines on European and Euro-Atlantic issues, experience in international project management, including the Jean Monnet Foundation. |
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department International Studies and Public Communications, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Migration and Demography of Uzhhorod National University, Honorary Professor of L. Gumilyov ENU. Teaching experience on disciplines on European issues at universities of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, working experience in administrative and diplomatic spheres of Ukraine, also in international project management in the Eastern Europe. |
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations. Teaching courses on international relations and organizing student scientific work. Experience in administrative and scientific-pedagogical spheres, as well as in managing international projects. |
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management of Organizations, Director of the Research Institute of Public Administration and Management of National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic". Worked at the Institute of Issues in Public Administration and Local Self-Governance of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, in particular, headed the Center for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. |
Lyudmyla Sereda |
Senior Specialist of the Educational and Research Institute of European Integration Studies (Uzhhorod National University). |
Olena Tovt |
Deputy Chief Accountant of Uzhhorod National University. |
Anna Havryliv |
Senior Specialist of the Department of International Relations. |