Academic coordinator of the project Ivan ARTYOMOV reported on the main results of the team’s work. They are really heavy.
First, an effective, powerful Jean Monet center has been created, which will continue to function even after the end of the project.
Secondly, conceptual provisions for the formation of the UzhNU Development Strategy for 2023-2032 were developed, which received a high rating from the National Academy of Educational Science of Ukraine, where its comprehensive examination was conducted.
Thirdly, the results of the work on the project were the following:
▪ 2 collective monographs, 9 educational manuals, 3 collections of scientific articles, information and advertising and educational products were published, which are available on the website
▪ 9 online schools on European studies, 3 training cycles on the Europeanization of the public administration system, 3 courses of online lectures were held.
Fourthly, the effectiveness of the work was constantly tested during public events that took place over these 3 years, namely: 2 international Internet conferences, an international round table, a competition of student works on the project issues.

Vice-rector of UzhNU Myroslava LENDEL, Director of the JMTC Petro TOKAR, Dean of the Faculty of History and International Relations, Researcher-lecturer of the JMTC Vitaliy ANDREYKO, Head of the Department of International Relations of UzhNU, Researcher-lecturer of the JMTC Oksana SVIEZHENTSEVA, Director of the Research Institute of Political and Regional Studies of the UzhNU Marian TOKAR, Doctor of Sciences (Law) Tatyana KARABIN, whose team took over the baton from the Institute and will implement another project at UzhNU under the direction of Jean Monnet, took part in the discussion of the project’s results, as well as the prospects for the future functioning of the JMTC within the structure of the Scientific Educational Institute of European Integration Studies.
The participants of the meeting viewed the exhibition of the project team’s work, which was placed in the foyer of the Rector’s office.