The event is dedicated to highlighting the theoretical and practical results of the research of European development strategies. Scientists, teachers of higher educational institutions, doctoral students, PhD students and students took part in its work. The conference is included in the List of scientific conferences, formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2023 (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 13.10.2022 No.21/08-3). The conference was held as part of the scientific project of UzhNU under the Erasmus + Program ‘Jean Monnet Transcarpathian Center for Studying European Development Strategies at Uzhhorod National University’.
Prof. Ivan MYRONYUK, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of UzhNU, Prof. Andriy KUDRYACHENKO, Director of the State Institution ‘Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’, PaedDr. Marian GAJDOS, CSc., Scientist Emeritus of the Institute of Social Sciences of Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS delivered welcome speeches.
Reports at the conference were made by: David HUBENÝ, Doctor of Philosophy, Employee of the National Archives in Prague (‘THE COOPERATION EXPERIENCE BETWEEN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND THE FACULTY OF HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF UZHNU’), Ferenc KOLMAR, Attorney of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary for Good Neighborly Affairs, Co-Chairman of the Ukrainian-Hungarian Mixed Commission for Ensuring the Rights of National Minorities (‘UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY IN THE EU AND CANDIDATE COUNTRIES’), Prof. Stepan VIDNYANSKYI, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science (NAS) of Ukraine, Head of the Department of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Uzhhorod National University (‘UKRAINE’S EUROPEAN POLICY: STAGES, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF IMPLEMENTATION’), Assoc. Prof. Ivan ARTYOMOV, Project Manager of the project ‘Jean Monnet Transcarpathian Center for Studying European Development Strategies at Uzhhorod National University’, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of European Integration Studies of UzhNU (‘IMPLEMENTATION OF A SCIENTIFIC PROJECT ON THE RESEARCH OF EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AT UZHNU’), Prof. Ihor TODOROV, Uzhhorod National University (‘UKRAINE - NATO: CURRENT STATE OF RELATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES’), Assoc. Prof. Vitaliy ANDREYKO, Uzhhorod National University (‘RUSSIA’S WAR AGAINST UKRAINE: OVERVIEW OF THE MEDIA SPACE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA’), Olga RUDENKO, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management of Organizations of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (‘EUROPEIZATION OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM OF UKRAINE, FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES FOCUSED ON EUROPEAN INTEGRATION’), Prof. Ivan VOVKANYCH, Assoc. Prof. Oksana SVIEZHENTSEVA, Uzhhorod National University (‘UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONALIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY POLICY’), Assoc. Prof. Hanna MELEGANYCH, Assoc. Prof. Svitlana DELEGAN, Uzhhorod National University (‘RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OF UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITIES AS A BASIS FOR EUROPEAN-INTEGRATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE’), Assoc. Prof. Petro TOKAR, Uzhhorod National University (‘MIGRATION AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE MODERN PERIOD OF GLOBALIZATION AND ITS IMPACT ON THE SITUATION IN EU COUNTRIES (from the practice of researching the problem’).

The conference participants announced 20 reports in Ukrainian, English and Czech languages.
The conference was held via the video conferencing app Zoom. Leading scientists and experts from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Hungary became speakers at the Conference.
Ivan ARTYOMOV, Project Manager of the Project ‘Jean Monnet Transcarpathian Center for Studying European Development Strategies at Uzhhorod National University’, Vitaliy ANDREYKO, Dean of the Faculty of History and International Relations, Petro TOKAR, Director JMTC summarized the results of the international scientific and practical internet conference.
The collection of scientific works ‘International Scientific Herald’ ( will be published following the conference. The collection is presented in scientometric databases, repositories and search engines of the world, as well as on the platform ‘Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine’. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be appropriated to the scientific articles, which will be included in this collection. The collection will contain the texts of the speeches of all the speakers, as well as prepared theses of the reports of other participants on the issues of the conference.
Video conference. Access code: @W#L6KhY