The purpose of the business trip is to hold working meetings to study and share experience in the implementation of international projects in the field of social sciences, focusing mainly on the activities of partners in the direction of the implementation of EU Erasmus+ scientific projects, in particular the Jean Monnet Centers of Excellence.
Petro Tokar had a meeting with the participants of the Jean Monnet projects, on which scientists of various departments of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Comenius University worked for the last three years. The program of the meeting included interesting discussions on the experience of implementing these projects.
The meeting was opened by the Vice-Dean of the faculty, doc. PhDr. Oľga Gyárfášová, who presented the materials of the last three projects, provided materials and links to access them for further study.
During the meeting, there was a discussion of the projects that were of most interest to the working team of the JMTC of UzhNU, in particular, ‘Migration in EU relations’ and ‘EU from a political sociological perspective.’ In the course of the discussion, problems were revealed that interested both sides. As a conclusion, Oľga Gyárfášová suggested to the team of the JMTC of UzhNU to start a new joint project at the level of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, based on our team’s methodology. More information about the participants of UC projects can be found at the link: https://fses.uniba.sk/en/departments/institutes/institute-of-european-studies-and-international-relations/members-of-institute /.
In addition, the colleagues of the UC shared with us a link by which UzhNU teachers will be able to find all the materials on the JMTC website about their latest project by Jean Monnet, which is the most relevant and consistent in terms of scientific orientation with ours and the interests of the UzhNU team:
Its coordinator is doc. PhDr. Oľga Gyárfášová, who, as vice-dean, moderated the discussion with the participants and who expressed the initiative for further cooperation with UzhNU.
Colleagues also offered us to attend one of the lectures of the course ‘Political-economic relations and culture in the context of green (eco) transformation’ - held every Wednesday (9:45 - 13:00) until the end of the semester, given by Professor Buzalka - Mgr. PhD. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., as well as:
- doc. PhDr. PhD. Lucia Mokra, PhD. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- doc. PhD. Olga Giyarfashova, PhD. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (moderator);
- doc. PhD. Andrii Findor, PhD. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and doc. Mgr. Yurai Buzalka, whose lecture we attended and participated in a discussion with students.
In terms of content, Yuray Buzalka’s lecture was analytical and comparative both from a historical perspective and in the context of events in Ukraine. The teacher’s position is clearly pro-Ukrainian, factually based, emotionally directed at the students, and this was evident thanks to the positive perception of the latter. In response, in my speech I emphasized the policy of the Kremlin and the situation in the country of the aggressor and the course of events on the fronts of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the heroism of our soldiers, expressed my deep gratitude for the notable support of the Slovak intelligentsia and students, the generous military assistance from the President and the Government of the SR, the humanitarian mission of the socio-political institutions of the country, the active movement of volunteers, the noble mission of accepting, settling and social protection of Ukrainian refugees, solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We were handed books recently published in the SR about the war in Ukraine, filled with photographs and other documents that condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation-Belarusian coalition against Ukraine.
We gave each participant of the discussion books, training manuals, methodical materials, scientific journals, monographs, which were published by the JMTC team during the two years of implementation of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project of UzhNU, as well as the international Association of UzhNU alumni and advertising publications of UzhNU.
Personal meetings were also held separately with the president of the Institute of Social Problems, Grigorij Mesežnikov, an active partner of the JMTC in the SR (he gave UzhNU a set of books), diplomats from the Embassy of Ukraine.